If you are having a new garage door installed the technician will take care of completely removing it for you. There are generally no extra fees associated with them taking the door off of your property. Ask if you wish to keep your door.
Start by cleaning the panels and repainting them, if needed. You should do this when the weather is still warm and sunny. Inspect all hardware parts for damage, wearing, loosening and all other kinds of issues. With timely repair and replacement, everything will be fine. Lubricate all moving parts and the section where two metal surfaces come into contact. It is best to use a lithium-based lubricant. Remember to change the bottom seal, if needed.
This signals a problem with the safety sensors. Troubleshooting them is fairly easy. Remove any obstructions that may block them. Check to confirm that the wiring is where it should be. Wipe them clean with a dry cloth and align them accurately so that they are facing each other. If these things don’t help, then most likely the sensors will require replacement.